Tag Archives: French Revolution

Fashion Today and Yesterday

With the death of Louis XIV and the coronation of Louis XV in 1715, a new style called rococo blossomed across Europe. Although the term was later used in a derogatory manner, suggesting excess and frivolity, it generally refers to a high achievement in fashion that represents the height of French culture. Though France was […]

High Heel Shoes For Women

Sometimes when we were born with a small petite body size will put us under privileged because there are certain things like fashion, pageant and other things that may not allow us to enjoy because we do not have enough height. High heeled shoes certainly help us to overcome our insecurities in these areas. Wearing […]

Fashion Designing in London – A Retrospect

London has been one of the fashion centers of the world for a long time now. Ever since its inception in 1984, the London Fashion Week has remained an awaited annual affair. This fashion week is now counted amongst the most reputed Fashion Weeks of Milan, Paris and New York. London, in any case, has […]